Sep 25, 2019
This is Phil Rogofsky’s interview with Allan Hirsch on AHA Business Radio about the Festival. Follow the Festival on Twitter @mdstemfest, Instagram @mdstem, Facebook @marylandstemfestival and on our website You can e-mail your thoughts and comments to us at Follow...
Sep 20, 2019
Navonne Owen, 4H Educator in Caroline County, describes her background and the Mid Shore STEM Festival. The 3rd Mid Shore STEM Festival features everything from Astronomy to Agriculture to interest all ages. Follow the Festival on Twitter @mdstemfest, Instagram @mdstem, Facebook @marylandstemfestival and on our website...
Sep 13, 2019
Debra Hettleman, Chief Executive Officer, discusses how Building Steps changes lives by ensuring college completion and career success for bright Baltimore City high school students. The Program starts in 11th grade and see at risk students through a STEM based college career. Follow the Festival on Twitter...
Sep 6, 2019
Grant Shmelzer, Director of Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) Chesapeake Chapter, discusses how they recruit and train future electricians. He talks about their training facility which will be used for the Festival’s 2019 Blue Collar STEM Follow the Festival on Twitter @mdstemfest, Instagram @mdstem,...