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Fun with the Maryland STEM Festival

Apr 26, 2023

This is episode 430 of the Fun with the Maryland STEM Festival podcast. The podcast where you meet adults and students doing interesting and fun STEM activities in Maryland. This episode includes interviews with Eric Ayende with Amazon recorded on March 30th and two students from the Morgan State University Women...

Apr 19, 2023

This episode includes interviews with Wearable Tech Ventures Founder, LaKisha Greenwade, recorded on April 17th and Allyson Kido from Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology recorded on April 10th The Wearable Takeover Podcast featuring the interview with Phil Rogofsky, Festival Executive Director and Founder...

Apr 12, 2023

This episode includes interviews with Dope Nerds Founder, Ursula Spencer, recorded on April 10th and students from Old Mill Middle South recorded on March 23rd . The Wearable Takeover Podcast features an interview with Phil Rogofsky, Festival Executive Director and Founder that is available...

Apr 4, 2023

This episode includes interviews with Science Performer Eric Energy ( ) recorded on March 30th and students from Maryland International School ( ) recorded on March 24th. The Wearable Takeover Podcast features an interview with Phil Rogofsky, Festival...